Sunday, July 24, 2022

Assorted product reviews

Area rugs vs carpet tiles, got pulled up, loops pulled out
Green mouse circle, Zira got her paw caught in it, won't use it since.
Feather sticks, Jen pulled the feathers out. Tied soft fabric ribbon, not curling gift wrap ribbon w sharp sides on it, and a bell.
Amy likes crinkly toys, but can't always find them. Tied one to a ribbon with a stick, but need to weigh it down a bit to be able to cast it close to her.
Amy brings us socks.
Jen would find stuffed toys or the ribbon stick and caterwaul for us to come play with her, often after bedtime.
Unimpressed with laser toys, circle ring toys with balls inside.
Latest favorite for the blind twins are two stuffed dog toys we git them for Christmas at Walgreens. Sprinkle catnip on them to reinterest them.
Ridiculously small cat tree didn't fit any of them.
Assorted cat flaps, one way or dual scan. Their microchips are too old for newest flap. Collar keys.
Some are too small and Amy has to squeeze through.
Catio didn't last long.
Spike strips to keep Butters in the backyard.
Large water dispensers weren't useful because Zorro washed his feet in them, the girls spit food in them, not easy to clean without emptying the whole thing.
Motion lights to avoid stepping on black cats at night.
(Search Amazon for other cat products.)
Frontline vs Revolution vs what Jen used to keep fleas from biting.
Ringworm wipes for Amy.
Dog Rx for Butters bladder.
Bayer worm meds for when Zorro threw up worms inside the house.
Odor removers for linens and carpets and hard surfaces.
Doorbell cameras vs. indoor webcams. Some harder to keep working than others.
Calming chews, Amy liked them so much, the first time she ate hers and her sister's,  then wouldn't eat them the next time.
Cat carriers: orange soft-sided one that fits under the plane seat needs a clasp so Amy can't push her face out. Hard carriers with roof door so we can pet her without her trying to get out, but she can't stand up in them, so that doesn't meet TSA requirements. 
Fleece blankets they can make nesties in without pulling threads.
LR carpets, IKEA rugs, hard surface odor remover, toys, litter scoops, laser pointer toy.
Stupid clumping FreshStep gets caught in her paws, tracks the mud around the house.
Scratching posts. Stability 

Disclaimer about here's what we found, how we used them, or didn't. "Your results may vary."


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